Saturday, August 21, 2010

SyFy movie of the week

I can hardly wait: Lake Placid 3. I guess I was vaguely aware that there was a 2. Never mind that I haven't seen 1 or 2. I'm a little worried that the only "star" listed is someone of whom I've never heard - Ryan Carnes, anyone? But this plus Joe plus Karen plus Andrew plus Emily plus Martin plus Jay, maybe Gabrielle, maybe John Lawrence, and my awesome husband? Plus our homebrew blackberry lambic. This should be good. I'll keep y'all posted.

Ha! 2 is on now, and John Schneider is the star. Remember when C&I dressed up as the Duke boys?


  1. Is C&I code for Hardcastle and McCormick? If so, then yes. AND, remember when Hardcastle was the dad on The Parent Trap with Hayley Mills? Of course you do, it was on TV last night or the night before.

    But no, I was unaware of a Lake Placid 2, but I am quite excited by the possible return of Gabrielle to SF television. Be sure to mention to her that at one time she was my avatar.

  2. Ok, so Ryan Carnes is a total lie. He did not appear in the opening credits. Instead, it stars Colin Ferguson. Who I love in Eureka, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

  3. Right, so if you had to pick between Colin Ferguson, Colin Firth, and Colin Farrell, who would you pick?

  4. Umm... to appear in a crappy syfy movie? Ferguson by a mile.

    Marry: Ferguson
    Fuck: Farrell
    Cliff: Firth

    Your turn.

  5. Umm. Yeah. So that was... good. Or something. CF was cute. I'm sad that Riba got kilt. And Brett. They kilt some folks that the normal rules say should have livt. Meh.

  6. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I must admit that I don't know who "C&I" are.

  7. Ohh, it took me a few seconds to figure that out even after reading your message. I thought it was reference to some comedic television program like Hart to Hart.

    And, no, I don't remember that.

  8. Eileen just canceled our SyFy channel. It saved us $18 a month. Unfortunately ESPNU was taken out in the crossfire. We'll see how this goes.
