Sunday, February 27, 2011

If I tell you I'm watching Star Wars...

...don't freaking ask me which episode.  Star Wars is Star Wars.  Empire Strikes Back is Empire Strikes Back.  Return of the Jedi is Return of the Jedi.

I'm watching the one called Star Wars.  It's not difficult.

It's time to get real.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How can you tell if you're being hit on?

Here's a situation where I thought I was being hit on.  Please share your stories.

A girl I was in high school with had 50 cents of mine for some reason.  We were at a cast party for a school play.  Maybe I loaned the money to her, I can't remember.  Anyway, she took the two quarters and slid them into her bra.  Then she said, "Come and get it."  I think she was hitting on me.  Then she said "Want to take a walk?"  I think that was a sign.

Do you think she was hitting on me?  It's a little hard to be flattered because when I didn't respond, she went off and started flirting with a 13-year-old.