Thursday, June 2, 2011

Our Unpopular Opinions

Here at Back on the Sauce, our writers and staff hold a number of unpopular opinions.  Some will make you angry.  Some will make you shake your head in wonder.

For instance, eshaughn hates fish.  Heelzebub or whatever his name is doesn't like Dire Straits.  I didn't care for the fifth Harry Potter book.

Fine, whatever, those aren't so bad.  They seem like reasonable opinions.

So I will start with the real madness:

I, a science fiction/fantasy geek/guru/fanboy, REALLY didn't like The Matrix.  I thought it was derivative, overacted, and a stale idea.  The climax of the movie is when one character calmly tells the protagonist the entire secret of the movie.  That's right, your protagonist never figured it out on his own so somebody just gave up and told him the answer at the end.  Whoopty-doo.  CGI and weird shots of Keanu Reeves spinning around don't excite me, so that didn't get me over the hump.  Maybe if Natalie Portman had been in the movie, it could have been salvaged, much like V for Vendetta, which suffers from many of the same flaws.  Or the Phantom Menace.  One wonders if she just has the ability to salvage anything.

The rest of the intrepid staff is going to follow with more of their unpopular opinions.  Prolly I will too.  You're welcome to do the same.



  1. I'm going to take this opportunity to agree with you about The Matrix. I didn't GET it. It was impressive CGI, sure. We didn't watch any of the sequels, because why would I bother? I don't remember anything about the original anyway.

    I'll think of something incendiary later.

  2. You know what was disappointing? BladeRunner. Could that movie have been any drearier? Here's my vision of the future: everyone is unhappy, no one likes anything, people rip each other off, anyone you love is actually an android. Or not, depending which version of the movie you got. Yeah, that's satisfying. Thanks for that. What do we get from that movie? Nothing, except some really weird scenes with Larry, the brother of Darryl and Darryl, and the nice little catchphrase "Lead a better life in the Off World Colonies." Thanks a lot.

    The book it's based on? Not really similar at all. Or particularly good. And I've read about 20 books by Philip K. Dick....Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is waaaaaay down the list of ones that I'd recommend.

  3. We watched it recently because I couldn't remember what actually happened. I couldn't understand what was happening this time around. So I was confused. So I drank for being confused. And now I don't remember it all over again.


    This is a recurring theme for me, you'll notice. Did I like movie X? Sure, I guess. Do I remember anything about it? Not really.

  4. I hate peanut butter. Hate it. I love peanuts. I love butter. Peanut butter is repulsive. Adding some sickly-sweet jam to that is not going to save it.

    Ye, verily, not even black currant jam can salvage peanut butter.

  5. what about vegemite

    what about nutella

  6. Vegemite is fairly gross. Nutella's alright.

  7. Ooh, here's another. Godfather II is nowhere NEAR as good as Godfather. Not even remotely close.

    In fact.

    Were it not for DeNiro/Vito's storyline in II (which is the only part actually adapted from Puzo's novel) and the fact that it is a sequel to one of the five greatest movies ever made, The Godfather II would be forgotten. A relic in a dustbin.

    Now, ponder this.

    Godfather is fantastic, as is the backstory of Vito Corleone laid out in II. The combination of all that comprises the entirety of Puzo's novel, The Godfather. Okay. Sounds like it would be an amazing book, right? No. The movie is actually better by far.

  8. OOOO!!! Don't let any Whitesides folk read that "comprises" sentence! Quick, edit!

    Is it incendiary for me to have never seen or read anything Godfather and to have no interest in doing so?

  9. well hang on there

    definition #3 in my little merriam-webster says "to make up: CONSTITUTE." Is George arguing it's not a transitive verb? Because my little dictionary seems to indicate otherwise.

  10. Well, I have no interest in comic book movies. I don't think it's incendiary to not be interested in a piece of subject matter.

  11. I don't like fish AND mushrooms. Don't forget the mushrooms.

    I stopped having any kind of jam/jelly on my peanut butter sandwiches back in fifth grade.

    I have never tried vegemite, but nutella is good.

    I can't believe Heelzebub has never seen the Godfather. Did I actually watch the Matrix. I think I've blacked it out now. I don't think I've seen BladeRunner.

  12. Only losers haven't seen BladeRunner.

  13. The first online dictionary I found flags definition 3 as improper usage. The whole comprises the parts, and the parts compose the whole. I'm a descriptivist only after the battle is lost.

    I like comic book movies ok, but Thor?

    I'd forgotten about the mushrooms.

    Have your feelings on teen-age boys in ties mellowed over the years, E?

  14. What about Thor? Does Natalie Portman save it?

  15. I had forgotten about my strong feelings towards the teenage boys in ties! My feelings may have mellowed a bit...

  16. What is up with people not being able to pronounce "chipotle?"

    I mean, the spelling is right there. It's RIGHT THERE. T before L.
