Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Say Something Good about the Prequels

We complain about these things all the time, but there are some beautiful moments.

The light saber duel (truel?  triol?) with Darth Maul may be the high point of the entire six-movie series, for example.  The music, fight choreography, and drama are all fantastic.   The bits where the force field cuts Obi Wan off from the other fighters is brilliant.

The other scene that comes to mind is when Anakin wipes out the Jedi school.  Absolutely chilling, the child's voice and then just the shot of Anakin turning on his light saber.  Wow!

Now, see how many good things you can say.


  1. Ewan McGregor as Alec Guinness as Obi-wan Kenobi was astonishing, I thought.

    Agreed on the Darth Maul fight.

    I honestly don't remember much about them! I feel like I should watch them again, but there's so much pain. Maybe on DVD I can just skip horrible scenes and find the good stuff?

  2. I don't know. I just watched the Phantom Menace a couple of weeks ago and, outside of McGregor and Liam Neeson and Padme, it's pretty terrible.

  3. Right, but that's THREE decent actors/portrayals. That's not too shabby! Maybe I've forgotten how bad the kid was in my rose-colored hindsight?

  4. Neeson is actually REALLY good in it, I think.

    I also like that blue floating alien dude that Anakin works for. Apparently that is supposed be "Jewish" in the same way the trade federation is supposed to be "Asian" and the Gungans are supposed to be "Jamaican." Fortunately for me, my almost complete lack of experience with Judaism in any form post-Old Testament prevents me from recognizing any reference to such that might be hurtful, intended or otherwise. I had no clue, so I was free to like Blue Dude as a crotchety old man with a platonic attachment to his young slave.

  5. I thought blue dude was meant to be an arab. Shows what I know.

  6. Why can't we edit our comments? We can edit the original post. This is dumb.

  7. Yeah, I'm reading this Herman Wouk book about the beginning of WWII, and it describes a couple of scenes in Europe when Nazis are pulling Jews out of lines and restaurants and trains just based on how they look. They could apparently just look at someone and determine that they were Jewish. I have no idea how to do that unless they are wearing some sort of ethnic clothing or symbol.

    I am really deficient in my assignation of ethnic background skills. Just recently I learned that even though Bruce Springsteen's last name ends in "steen," he is not Jewish, and John Kerry, despite having a pure Irish last name, is actually of Jewish decent!

    I'm giving up on all this stereotyping stuff because I'm failing at the first skill level. It doesn't do me any good to know that all Swedish women are beautiful, for example, if I can't tell who's Swedish.
