This is a post about interpreting recurring dreams.
1) You are allowed to post your dream (keep it clean)
2) You are allowed to interpret other peoples dreams. And your own, for that matter.
In this dream I am driving my car. It is always my car from high school/college, a 1990 midnight blue Nissan Sentra. In the dream, I attempt to drive the car either 1) through running water, 2) over running water, or 3) across bridge that crosses rapidly rising water with water creeping over the edges. I never get swallowed by the water, I am always driving across. But I never reach the other side. I either wake up or the dream changes to something unrelated
In this very similar dream, I am flying or rising up or jumping over something. I keep going up, just until the point where I pause in the air, but I never descend. I pause for a sickening second and look down, but then I'm rising again until I pause somewhere even higher. This cycle continues until I either wake or the dream changes to something unrelated.
These are more interesting than your tooth loss ones.
ReplyDeleteThe rising water seems to fall into the standard "obstacle" category to me. Presumably it's one that you're not sure you'll overcome, or that you haven't overcome yet, since you never reach the other side. I wonder if the high school car suggests anything about the obstacle itself? My bet is not - it has to be some kind of car, so why not your first?
The web tells me that flying dreams are all about overcoming obstacles, too. Which is weird, since I thought they were supposed to be about sex. Supposedly, they mean that you've already overcome something... but then you get sick when you look down and keep going higher. So you're always finding new obstacles? And apparently always overcoming them? That doesn't jibe with the sickening second very well. You're worried/upset about previous obstacles?
Your first one reminded me of one of my recurring dreams. I'm crossing an intersection, usually in the pedestrian crosswalk, but not always. And it's a long one, and the light's flashing... but my legs won't move, and I'm walking REALLY slowly, and I'm stuck in the middle, and I'm never going to get to the other side in time. I think this one fades out like yours, but I can't remember. I tend to wake up with very tired legs the next day - but I've never been certain whether that was cause or effect.
Last night I dreamed about Dinger pooping on the living room floor. Alas, this is not so fantastic or hard to interpret, since his new trick is to poop on the kitchen floor.
That move from the kitchen to the living room floor sounds pretty significant, but remember that this is a family-safe blog so be wary of posting about bodily functions.
ReplyDeleteI think your intersection dreams stems from an unhealthy fear of cars, which is natural from someone like you who lives in a small town, or more descriptively, a village or hamlet. Remininiscent (sp?) of Sratford-on-Avon or Carrboro, but with fewer hippies and more hippos.
Although I guess Carrboro with more hippos would be Chapel Hill, because Chapel Hill has those stone hippos down there on Hillsborough street. I think they're stone. But they might be something else, like the bones of ancient roaches.
I will think more about my dreams and get back to you with an interpretation. I did not have any of those dreams last night.
Well, in the dreamscape the kitchen and the living room might be miles apart. But the reality is quite different. Sometimes I think we're supposed to take them quite literally.
ReplyDeleteI visited the hippos on Hillsborough once. Back when I was trying to hit the "do all of these things before you graduate" list. Mind you, the chances of me having sex on the IM fields was pretty low, so I gave up pretty early on that list.
What were the IM fields? That field by Eringhaus?
ReplyDeleteHow cool would it be if your name was Eringhaus? People would be like, "Don't fight that dude, he's a ******* house!" And if you were a girl, people could change the saying from "stacked like a brick house" to "stacked like an Eringhaus."
I once knew a girl who threw up on a carpet in a dorm room in Eringhaus. I'm not making this up. She was drunk and it was not her dorm room and she threw up on the floor. This was the floor of a girl named Sara. Sara's roommate was named Karen, and they had been randomly matched as roommates, much like another Sara-Karen combo in Joyner that same year. More on that later.
Anyway, this girl threw up on the floor in Sara's room (first Sara), after a bit of drinking. On the rug. Both the drinking and throwing up occurred on the rug, actually. Problem: the rug was Karen's rug, Karen was not friends with this girl and was not even in the room. Karen was just Sara's roommate, and that rug smelled the rest of the semester. Because of this girl.
I need to get Chris to read this because he knows these girls. Hang on.
You know who would be awesome to comment about this girl who threw up would be Anthony, who would be great at this. I will see if I can get them over here.
ReplyDeleteThis happened to me once. Well, not a rug, and there were no Karens or Saras involved. I only know one Sara - most of the ones I know have an h. Anyway. My roommate in Granville brought over all his drunk Grimsley friends one night while I was out, and someone barfed on my comforter. Why they were hanging out on MY bed, I don't know. I came in at 1 in the morning and Win was drunkenly doing laundry.
ReplyDeleteI still have that comforter.
He did laundry in your room? That is messed up.
ReplyDeleteDid you have a sink in your dorm room? My brother had a sink in his dorm room at Alabama.
I have two stories about the other Sara-Karen combo, the one who lived in Joyner on the same floor with my friend Kelly. Ooh, I will see if Kelly will come on here and comment about "Weird Karen," who was a GIGANTIC fan of--wait for it--Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
Alright, Weird Karen story #1.
ReplyDeleteSo I'm dating this other Sara, not the Sara whose room got thrown up in in Ehringhaus. This is the Sara who lives on Kelly's hall in Joyner. Sara has this odd roommate named Karen--local girl who goes home every weekend, is not social, has parents who are geriatrics, loves Dr. Quinn, etc.
One day Sara is taking a shower in the big hall bathroom, where lots of girls took showers and there were at least three shower stalls. Incidentally, despite being a women's bathroom in a women's dorm, there were also urinals, which I thought was a nice touch. Very welcoming.
It's like, beginning of spring semester. So January or so. Sara's and Karen's class schedules are similar, unlike fall semester, so for the first time ever they are taking showers at the same time (not in the same stall, mind you). Sara is whiling her time away in the shower doing God knows what, when she hears Karen call from the next stall over: "Sara! There's steam coming out of your shower!" You see, the stall walls didn't go up to the ceiling, so Karen could see the steam coming out.
Sara is confused by the comment, and says something like "Yeah? So?" Sara was (is) a Yankee so you can't really expect her to be polite.
Karen replies "Does that mean you have hot water?" and Sara, rather more filled perplexion, is again like "Yeah, so?" and Karen says--wait for it--"How do you get hot water to come out of the shower?"
Sara explains that you turn the shower handle all the way around. Karen is quite delighted, because she had been taking cold showers for the ENTIRE FALL SEMESTER. No wonder she went home every weekend.
Ok, so Win was actually returning from the laundry room with my theoretically-dried comforter. We did have a sink in the room, but it would have been pretty painful to wash a comforter in it. Not to mention, it would have made a mess, and the floor was carpeted.
ReplyDeleteThat shower story is pretty sweet.
The other Weird Karen story is shorter but weirder.
ReplyDeleteSo like I said, this girl went home every weekend. I should interject, actually, that she was always very nice, just not that up on how to be a kid, as it were. So she'd go home and chill with her geriatric parents, who came to pick her up every weekend and drive her back to Sanford or wherever.
So she's gone for the weekend, and Sara decides to go through her drawers. I mean, her chest of drawers. Karen's. Which is admittedly a little wrong but you know this girl was weird so you had to do it because what if she had a sword in there or something.
Well, as Sara is rifling through the drawers (that's one of the accepted things to rifle through), she finds a ton of sealed ziploc bags. Inside each ziploc bag is a single pair of underwear.
Obviously we could never ask Karen about this situation, because we could not admit we had rifled her drawers.
ReplyDeleteI would immediately have looked for her dirty laundry to see how she dealt with that. I'm assuming she just took the hamper home to mom and dad?
Yeah, I think so. To my knowledge she never did laundry at school.
ReplyDeleteSara also reported that she (Sara) could take a shower in the time it took Karen to brush her (Karen's) teeth.
ReplyDeleteOoo! I had another dream last night. It was about some chick who was looking to do a Dreyfus post-doc. It wasn't clear why she was coming to talk to me. But she started out the interview as vaguely latina, and when I looked down at some Important Papers and then looked back up, she was blonde and white. I asked her about it, and the interview ended. I can't remember if that was the end of the dream or not.
ReplyDeletePretty sure that one's about WWII.
ReplyDeleteAnticipating today's Battle of Britain stories?
ReplyDeleteI may have seen something about that on someone's facebook page. Maybe.
ReplyDeleteHere's how I see it.
The Latina obviously represents LATIN, the language of Italy, a key cog of the Axis Powers. Well, not really key. But not unkey.
But like the prevalence of the Latin language itself, the Latina fades over time (millenia) and the course of your dream (WWII). As you peer down at your Important Papers (lend-lease agreement with USA, as symbolized by the Dreyfus fellowship for a foreigner at an American University and your own status as a dual citizen of USA and UK), Italy's fate is decided.
While you are looking down, the postdoc applicant actually takes on an African appearance, representing the war in NOrthern Africa and presaging the fall of Italy, before morphing backing into Latina form as the US enters North Africa and stuff. With Quadaffi firmly entrenched as a Allied surrogate in control of Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia, the Allies surge north, destroy the Latina, and march on Berlin.
The applicant, at this point putty in your metaphorical hands, takes on an Aryan cast. You successfully prevent her flight to Argentina, and meld her further into a Swede. As a neutral observer to the war, she can now be safely ignored as a post doctoral candidate, and you are free to move on to dreams about cat poop without fear of a Luger fired into the back of your Brit-born noggin.
You are a wise, wise man.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewell that is lame
ReplyDeleteThe only recurring dream I had is from childhood - haven't had it since about 9 or so. My parents send me outside to get the newspaper at midnight or something - it's really dark out. As soon as I touch the paper, I see hundreds of pairs of cat eyes staring at me. I walk slowly down our long driveway, and then sprint the last 10 feet to the screened in porch. Once on the porch, I see that it's covered with yellow, glowing cat eyes and fear finally gets the better of me and as I run to the door the cats start attacking me and clawing at me and I wake up screaming.
ReplyDeleteI really, really hate cats.
Mine is school related (imagine that!). In the dream, I'm back at UNC as an undergrad, and due to some error, I have one class that didn't get dropped from my schedule (even though I had dropped it via Caroline). I find out the day before the final that my whole grade in that class will be based on that one exam and I have that one night to learn a semester's worth of stuff.
ReplyDeleteGood times.
I've had one similar to that Katie.
ReplyDeleteThere is one I've had about 4 or 5 times, that's pretty common. I'm driving to work, totally naked, but I have my work-out clothes in the office, so I somehow think I can navigate the parking lot and hallway without being spotted, but it never works.
ReplyDeleteYour dream is a classic case of misplaced love. It appears that, at the delicate age of 9 years, you were passionately in love with your kindergarten teacher. Obviously you were not still in kindergarten, but you still saw the kindergarten teacher around school and he always winked at you and you took that a little too seriously. Your kindergarten teacher had three eyes (which is frankly a little weird--where the heck did you go to school?) so when he winked one eye it left two eyes open.
Those two eyes are represented in your dream by the pairs of "cat eyes," because your kindergarten teacher was named Mr. Cat.
Mr. Cat, because of his rather odd name, had been made fun of all his life because people, tempted by the easy pun, constantly called him a *****. As a result, he really hated cats and he passed that hate on to all his kindergarten students through a carefully planned subliminal brainwashing technique, performed via filmstrip. All the students in his classes developed this (wholly irrational) hatred of cats. In fact, a very similar case was uncovered in eastern Rowan County, NC in the late 1970s.
The whole running down the driveway and onto the porch bit is totally meaningless, but the fact that the porch was screened in represents Mr. Cat's effective inapproachablitiy, i.e., you were of different social castes so no romantic connection (one-sided or otherwise) could ever be consummated.
My kindergarten teacher was a woman and also my piano teacher. She played very well despite only having 9 1/2 fingers. She lost 1/2 of one in a lawnmower accident.
ReplyDeleteYour dream is about your kindergarten teacher, whom you secretly had a crush on. His name was Mr. Cat and he subliminally taught you how to do math. The course in your dream is Calculus I, or "Math 31" as UNC calls it. Mr. Cat used the brains of you and your kindercolleagues as an organic computer during naptime, performing high-level calculations used by NASA to maneuver the Earth's orbit in order to avoid the predations of semi-intelligent extraterrestrials. These extraterrestrials (or "ETs") lived in the asteroid belt of our solar system from 1974-1980, from which position they hurled asteroids into the path of our planet. Mr. Cat's contribution (and, unwittingly, yours) to our planet's well being has been criminally overlooked by two generations of politicians, but let me be one of the few who will publicly say to you, KUDOS AND GOD BLESS.
Oh, the reason you were attracted to Mr. Cat was not your own fault, but was an unintended and unfortunate byproduct of his use of your brain as an organic supercomputer.
Thankfully, the ETs eradicated each other somewhere around the time of Ronald Reagan's inauguration.
Hmm, apparently, Mr. Cat was a very busy man!
ReplyDeleteNot the same Mr. Cat.
ReplyDeleteActually, I just made that up. They might be the same. But really, what are the chances?
Oh, so you are using "Mr. Cat" to protect the innocent, huh?
ReplyDeleteI'm your first (and only) follower! Go me!
I always knew you were smart. This is just the first tangible proof.
ReplyDeleteUnfollow. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat is this about Yankees not being polite?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, was that a dream? We interpret dreams here.
ReplyDeleteOoo! What about the dream when I'm back in high school, and I can't remember my schedule, but I know I have a class that I need to go to... My schedule is taped to the inside of my locker, but I can't remember which is my locker and/or I can't remember the combination.
ReplyDeleteThat is a dream about playing football, Heelzebub. You are reliving your glory days on the high school gridiron. The high school in your dream represents a high school in North Carolina, probably in Triad region if I'm reading your dream correctly. This all-boys Catholic high school recruited a few inner city stars and gave them scholarships--you were one of these talented young African-American stars, playing a strong safety/weakside linebacker ("Will" in football jargon) position, where you terrorized opposing receivers and other ball carriers by stealthily stuffing ferrets inside their facemasks while the referees weren't looking.
ReplyDeleteThe tape in your dream is also a straight up one-for-one symbol, for tape in this instance, which you used to attach spare ferrets to the inside of your shoulder pads in dry weather. Presumably string or staples were necessary in rain, but that was not in your dream so I'm only guessing. Funny how it's never raining in dreams.
The schedule in your dream, though, is not a ferret, but instead refers to your fourth-grade girlfriend Cyndi White, who was a big Cyndi Lauper fan and changed the spelling of her name accordingly. Lucky never got into Hüsker Dü. Why she is taped up in your locker I don't know and I don't think I want to think about that too much. Fortunately (?) you can't get too her because you can't find/access your locker, which represents your taste in wine, a talent you lost in a game of pool to a hustler in the student lounge of a local college where you were scamming for girls (really, you're too old for the crowd) two years ago this September.
apparently I can't edit that post without deleting it. Sorry for the typos and whatnot.
ReplyDeletegoodheelin, here is what is going on in that driving-to-work-naked dream:
ReplyDeleteYou are afraid your car has a real personality of its own. You may have named your car like some adolescent girl, a cute name like "Sally" or "Zelda" or "Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario," but now you are regretting that name because the car is starting to take on some of the personality traits of the name. "Sally" is trying get you to contribute rice to starving Africans named Jesus or Maria, Zelda is trying to get to unite the Triforce and defeat Prince Ganon, or Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario is throwing everything you give her right back in your face at a reduced speed. Now, you are trying to keep your dream clothes away from your dream car (note that a "dream car" is usually a good thing, but not in this dreamy instance) because it will send your clothes to Africa (if you named it Sally) or sell your clothes to a Darknut (if you named in Zelda) or give you back your clothes with frumpy patches sewn on then knees and your name sewn into the wasteline (if you named it Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario).
On the bright side, the part about keeping your clothes at work means that they can be you can, with the use of your remote, make them dance around the room and act out Princess Leia gold bikini scene in Return of the Jedi.